Working together with the European Union
A wisely seized opportunity
EU grants are not just about funding. For Plastrol, they are also about focusing on a carefully planned development in the scope of conducted research, applying new technologies to the manufacturing process and introducing new products to the market.

Project Innovative and Competitive Economy
W 2017 r. firma PLAST-ROL otrzymała dofinansowanie z Unii Europejskiej w ramach Wielkopolskiego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego na lata 2014-2020, Oś priorytetowa 1: Innowacyjna i konkurencyjna gospodarka na realizację projektu „Wykorzystanie wyników własnych prac B+R do wprowadzenia rozwiązań innowacyjnych w produkcji osprzętu elektrotechnicznego przez Przedsiębiorstwo Wytwórcze Usługowo-Handlowe ”PLAST-ROL” Spółka jawna J.J. Kałuża z Lotynia” – konkurs nr RPWP.01.05.02-30-0041/15 w ramach działania 1.5. Wzmocnienie konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw
In 2017, PLAST-ROL received funding from the European Union under the Regional Operational Programme for Greater Poland for 2014-2020, Priority Axis 1: Innovative and Competitive Economy to carry out the project titled “Using results of own R&D to introduce innovative solutions in manufacturing of electrical engineering equipment by Przedsiębiorstwo Wytwórcze Usługowo-Handlowe ‘PLAST-ROL’ Spółka jawna J.J. Kałuża from Lotyń” – competition no. RPWP.01.05.02-30-0041/15 under Measure 1.5. Strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises
The project allowed us to expand our offer by introducing, for the first time, reel extension cords, which we manufacture on our own and under our own brand, as well as single-socket extension cords. The implemented technologies and R&D results also made it possible to improve the current offer of the company in the scope of manufacturing of connection cables. 49 modern fixed assets and 2 intangible assets were purchased under the project.
Total value of the project: PLN 2,997,535.61
Eligible expenditure: PLN 2,384,700.00
Grant: PLN 834,645.00
Project Strengthening Potential
On 20 January 2020, the project titled “Strengthening the potential of P.W.U-H. ‘PLAST-ROL’ Spółka jawna J.J. Kałuża from Lotyń through research and development” was completed. This project also received funding from the Operational Programme for Greater Poland for 2014-2020, Priority Axis RPWP.01.00.00. Innovative and competitive economy. Application no. RPWP.01.02.00-30-0007/17 led to construction of a research and development laboratory, which was subsequently equipped with professional and modern control and measuring instruments.
Total value of the project: PLN 492,535.99
Eligible expenditure: PLN 397,540.99
Grant: PLN 318,032.79
Project for implementing technological innovations in the manufacturing process
Further dynamic technological development of our company and its offer was hindered by our machinery stock, which made it impossible to, among others, increase production to the required extent and carry out manufacturing operations for introducing new and improved products. For this reason, in 2018, we launched a project titled “Implementing technological innovations in the manufacturing process for plastic electrical products at P.W.U.H. PLAST-ROL to create conditions for commencing production of new and improved product range as a result of R&D”
The scope of the project was planned to overcome the aforementioned barriers to development, and its implementation led to PROCESS, PRODUCT AND NON-TECHNOLOGICAL innovations, representing a kind of “leap” in the company’s development which stemmed from the adopted “PLAST-ROL Development Strategy for 2015-2020”.
Project no. RPWP.01.05.02-30-0050/18 led to the purchase of 3 modern injection moulding machines, 16 injection moulds and a number of devices which made it possible to launch new and innovative products.
Total value of the project: PLN 3,620,628.00
Eligible expenditure: PLN 2,943,600.00
Planned funding: PLN 1,030,260.00